Cell Physics 2014
The Cell Physics 2014 took place also at the Saarland University 23.-26.9.2014 and was organized and financed by the Collaborative Research Center SFB 1027 “Physical modeling of non-equilibrium processes in biological systems” and the Graduate School GRK 1276 “Structure formation and transport in Complex Systems”.
Program of Cell Physics 2014: Click here
Book of Abstracts of Cell Physics 2014: Click here
Invited speakers of the Cell Physics 2014:
- Roy Bar-Ziv (Weizmann Institute, Israel)
- Sonia Cortassa (Baltimore, MD)
- Steve Gross (UC Irvine, CA)
- Vincent Hakim (LPS ENS, Paris)
- Lars Hufnagel (EMBL Heidelberg)
- Paul Janmey (UPENN, PA)
- Jean-Francois Joanny (Inst. Curie, Paris)
- Frank Jülicher (MPI PKS Dresden)
- Josef Käs (Uni Leipzig)
- Richard Lewis (Stanford, CA)
- Reinhard Lipowsky (MPI Potsdam)
- Richard McKenney (UC San Francisco, USA)
- Nicolas Minc (Inst. J. Monod, Paris)
- Dan Needleman (Harvard, MA)
- Jose Onuchic (Rice University, TX)
- Ian Parker (University of California, Irvine, USA)
- Jacques Prost (Inst. Curie, Paris)
- Christoph Schmidt (Uni Göttingen)
- Roland Wedlich-Söldner (Uni Münster)
- David Yule (Rochester, NY)
Schedule of the Cell Physics 2014: