Saarbrücken, Germany

Cell Physics

Fotos: Michael W. Davidson at

Cell Physics 2014

The Cell Physics 2014 took place also at the Saarland University 23.-26.9.2014 and was organized and financed by the Collaborative Research Center SFB 1027 “Physical modeling of non-equilibrium processes in biological systems” and the Graduate School GRK 1276 “Structure formation and transport in Complex Systems”.

Program of Cell Physics 2014: Click here

Book of Abstracts of Cell Physics 2014: Click here

Invited speakers of the Cell Physics 2014:

Schedule of the Cell Physics 2014:

Poster list of the Cell Physics 2014: Click here

The pre-conference workshop on Monday, 22.9., comprised talks and presentations of the members of the Collaborative Research Center SFB 1027 and Graduate College GRK 1276.

Pre-Conference Program of the Cell Physics 2014: Click here

Web page of the Cell Physics 2014: Click here

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