Saarbrücken, Germany

Cell Physics

Fotos: © SFB 1027 - R. Zhao Z. Mostajeran L. Kainka T. Fredrich

Cell Physics 2019

Welcome to the website of Cell Physics 2019!

The conference “Cell Physics 2019” will take place at the Saarland University in Saarbrücken, Germany, 9.-11.10.2019. It is organized and financed by the Collaborative Research Center SFB 1027 “Physical modeling of non-equilibrium processes in biological systems”.

It is intended to be an interdisciplinary platform for scientific exchange between participants from cell biology and biophysics, both represented in roughly equal numbers, and focuses centrally on theoretical concepts in conjunction with cell biological experiments. Topics include

  • Cell mechanics / mechanobiology
  • Cytoskeleton
  • Cellular self-organization
  • Cell adhesion
  • Cell membrane & membrane proteins
  • Cancer & Immune system

The conference program comprises invited talks, contributed oral presentations and poster sessions.

The official conference will start Wednesday, 9.10.2019 at 8:30am, and finish Friday, 11.10.2019, afternoon. A pre-conference workshop for the members of the SFB 1027 will take place on Tuesday, 8.10.2019. All participants of the Cell Physics conference are cordially invited to join this pre-conference event comprising oral presentations and many posters of the SFB 1027. For the program of the workshop click here.

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